Services we provide

Tax Filing

Our tax preparation services ensure you pay the lowest amount of taxes legally possible, while helping you navigate complex tax laws and regulations.

Financial Planning

Our financial planning services help you build a strong financial foundation and achieve your long-term financial goals.

Incorporation Services

Business structure creation, including C-Corp, S-Corp, LLC, Professional Corporation, and Not-for-Profit

Book Keeping And Payroll

Whether you need help untangling your personal finances or are simply overwhelmed in managing your business’ accounting needs, we would love to help you.

Tax Filing

At De La Rosa Financial Services, we understand that filing taxes can be a daunting task, especially for individuals and businesses alike. Our tax preparation services are designed to make this process seamless for you. Our team of tax experts works tirelessly to ensure you pay the lowest amount of taxes legally possible, while helping you navigate complex tax laws and regulations. We work with you every step of the way, providing personalized solutions that cater to your unique tax situation.

Financial Planning

At De La Rosa Financial Services, we understand that financial planning is critical to building a secure financial future. Our financial planning services are designed to help you build a strong financial foundation and achieve your long-term financial goals. We work with you every step of the way, providing customized solutions that cater to your unique financial situation.

Company Formation Services

We have extensive knowledge on forming many types of business structures that benefit you and your loved ones and most all types of situations in business and personal creation.


We can help you start various types of businesses such as C-Corp, S-Corp, LLC, Professional Corporation, and Not-for-Profit.

Trusted Financial Services

You Benefit From Our Licensed Tax Professional Service Providers


  • Serving tax preparation in all 50 states
  • Services from qualified tax professionals
  • Phone and email access to tax professionals
  • Current and relevant tax and business services education published regularly to keep clients up to date on the latest tax laws and trends 
  • The preparer you interface with is the preparer who does the work
  • Team members receive ongoing continuing education so they’re always fitting you with the best service